
Popup objects can be used to create customized frames that the player can interact with.

Creating a popup

The setup code that defines how the frame looks is defined in the event popupData.
The code is structured in this way:

width height
popup; attribute:value; attribute:value
componenttype; name; attribute:value; attribute:value
componenttype; name; attribute:value; attribute:value

The first line (width height) contains the size of the popup (width and height)
The second line (popup; attribute:value; attribute:value) can contain optional settings for the entire frame:

  • background - background color of the frame (default: background)
  • alwaysOnTop - either true or false (default: false)
  • canBeClosed - either true or false (default: true). If set to false, the player cannot use the mouse wheel to close the popup

The following lines (componenttype; name; attribute:value; attribute:value) each contain a new component with parameters splitted by a ; each (you can use a whitespace after the ;).
componenttype can have the following values:

  • text
  • image
  • button

The name is the name that is used to address the component in the popup. More on that later.
The rest of the parameters are attributes that you can set depending on what componenttype you picked:

  • text - can be used by text and button and describes the text that the component shows
  • fontsize - can be used by text and button and is equals to the text size
  • uid - used by image to get the image with the matching uid
  • x - the x coordinate of the component on the popup
  • y - the y coordinate of the component on the popup
  • width - the width of the component
  • height - the height of the component
  • visible - either true or false
  • anchor - either left, right or center
  • clickListener - adds a clickListener to the component; the value is the event name that is being executed when clicked (passes componentType, componentName, popupName)
  • border - adds a border around the component with the given color
  • hoverEffect - only for text; either true or false. Makes the text have an effect when hovered over. Text needs to have a clickListener for this in order to work and has to be set before the clickListener

Opening popups

You can create a new instance of a popup using the command

popup [SELECTOR(popup)] open as [VALUE(name)]

The popup that is created is then stored under the name of [VALUE(name)]. This name is used to address it later.
Opening a popup calls the event popupOpened of the popup object and passes the name that it was given.

Modifying popup data

You can set the attributes of the components on a popup after creating it using the command

popup [SELECTOR(popup);VALUE(name)] set [VALUE(component)] attribute [VALUE(attribute)] to [VALUE(value)]

The selected popup instance (either selected through the popup object uid or the name that was defined when creating) will set the component's (with the component name defined in the event popupData) attribute to the given value.
Note that listeners and hoverEffects cannot be modified after creation.

Closing popups

You can close opened popup instances using the command

popup [SELECTOR(popup);VALUE(name)] close

This closes the popup of all of the selected popup objects using a selector or the popup with the given name.


You can get the popups that are currently opened with the variable:


Which either returns all of the currently open popup uids or the individually defined names


Let's say that this is the code that is inside of the event popupData which describes how the popup looks:

270 300
popup; background:dark_blue; alwaysOnTop:true; canBeClosed:true
text; mainText; x:20; y:10; width:230; height:60; text:This is a text; border:white_border; clickListener:clicked; anchor:center
image; img; x:85; y:85; width:100; height:100; border:white_border; clickListener:clicked; image:78c27476e80e4d6a
button; confirmButton; x:20; y:200; width:230; height:60; text:Click to close; clickListener:clicked

And this is the code inside of the clickListener event clicked:

print you clicked me! This is the data that was passed over: {componentType} {componentName} {popupName}
if {componentType} equals button (
    popup {popupName} close

Using the command popup #type:popup# open as displayData opens up the popup:
We can edit the popup using:

popup displayData set mainText attribute text to Well hello there
popup displayData set img attribute x to 40

This makes the popup look like this:
Clicking the close button closes it again, since this is what we defined in the event clicked. But we can also close it using one of these commands:

popup displayData close
popup #type:popup# close